Linux Series Part 2: File management

Krupa Bhimani
2 min readFeb 14, 2022


Hello readers, Today in linux series part 2, I am going to explain different file system in linux and file management related commands.

File System in linux

EXT — extended file system

EXT1 — older version, No longer used

EXT2- allows users to manage 2TB data.

EXT3- upgraded version of EXT2

  • Contains backward compatibility
  • Drawback — does not support servers ,Does not support file recovery

EXT4- compatible for SSD

  • Default file system in linux

JFS — can be used in place of EXT4 where stability is needed

Reiser FS — alternative of EXT3

XFS — developed for parralel I/O

  • NASA uses this

Btrfs — used for fault tolerance

  • Not good for production system

Swap file system — used for memory paging

File structure in linux

Source: Geeks for Geeks

File management related commands:

Ls: List all file, folders

Ls -l: detailed information of all files

Ls –a: list out hidden file

Touch: create empty file

Mkdir: making directory

Rmdir: remove directory

Rm: remove file

Mv [source] [dest] : move file

Mv [file 1] [file 2] : rename file

Wc filename: list lines words characters in file

Find: search file

Locate: search file in all directories

Grep: searches pattern in particular file

Df –h: see space in system file

What is the difference between find and locate?

Ans: find commands search the file in current directory whereas locate command search the file in all directories.



Krupa Bhimani

2X AWS Certified, DevOps Engineer, Microsoft Learn Student Ambassadors (Alpha)