Linux Series Part 3: process management

Krupa Bhimani
1 min readFeb 16, 2022


Hello readers, Today in linux series part 3, I am going to explain what is process in linux? , different types of processes and process management related commands.

Process management:

Process — any command you give to machine it starts a process

Foreground process — run on screen, need user input (ex- office process)

Background process — run in background, does not need user input (ex- antivirus)

Zombie process — exit status of child process is not communicated with parent process then child process becomes zombie

Orphan — parent is killed while child is executing the process

Daemon process — a kind of process that runs in the background.

Some commands:

Bg- command used to move process in background

Fg — command used to continue a program which was stopped

Top — talks about all running process

Ps — stands for process status

Ps pid — give status of specific process

Pidof — give process id of process

Kill pid — kills process

Kill –g pid — forcefully kill process

Nice — start process with given priority

Renice — change the priority of process



Krupa Bhimani

2X AWS Certified, DevOps Engineer, Microsoft Learn Student Ambassadors (Alpha)