Reverse proxy in Nginx

Krupa Bhimani
3 min readMar 1, 2022


Hello Readers, In this blog we will install node.js and we will make one node.js app and after that we will set up nginx as a reverse proxy.

image source: wordpress

Step 1: Install node.js

We should always use NVM (node version manager) for installing node.js because it allows us to install and maintain the different versions of node js.

Other commands will only install the latest version but using this we can install whichever version that we want.

Download the script for nvm

Using the below command you can install the node.js using nvm by specifying the specific version

You can check the version of node by using this command.

Npm is package manager in node.js you can verify that npm is installed or not using this command

To work npm packages you need to install this build-essential package

Step 2: create simple node.js application

Create one sample application called hello.js

Test your application

Type localhost:3000 in browser to see the app running

Step 3: Installing PM2

PM2 is process manager in node.js application and makes it possible to run in background as a service.

Use npm to install PM2

-g is for globally

Step 4: set up reverse proxy for node.js app in nginx

We will create a file in sites-available which will transfer the request which is coming on port 3000 to localhost.

Create file called node-app

Create soft link for that

Check status and restart service

Type only localhost in the backend it will transfer the request to port 3000.

For custom domain name:

Add server name in server block

Add hostname in /etc/hosts file

Now restart the server and type hello.local in browser



Krupa Bhimani

2X AWS Certified, DevOps Engineer, Microsoft Learn Student Ambassadors (Alpha)